Improvements in relationship with associates

As of this month, the CCBC begins to implement an advanced information system for the areas of Business Development and Business Intelligence. This system will contribute to our team in the relationship with CAM-CCBC members and partners. The general public will also benefit from the tool.

The new CRM will gather data on market research, topics of interest, participation in seminars, meetings, projects, among others. This will create an important database, generating performance and participation indicators, allowing our team to offer increasingly customized products and services, increasing user satisfaction.

“This more customized contact will allow us to be more effective in our day-to-day actions”, says Cássia Vanícola, CCBC’s chief operating officer. The information will be stored in a high security environment and can be consulted with agility by the authorized teams of the Chamber.

The new CRM comes amid an increase in the volume of CCBC projects and the expectation of creating new opportunities for relationships. “It is an essential tool to help us increase the number of members, their satisfaction and also improve the quality of our services”, says Cássia.

The deployment of the platform is divided into four phases and will be completed in the first quarter of 2019. The first area to benefit from the tool will be the Business Development area.

Thanks to the commitment of our multidisciplinary team involved with the CRM project, in November we started the first tests.